Results for 'Fr Mikhail Zheltov'

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  1.  44
    Theological and Scientific Aspects of the Unity of Mankind.Fr Mikhail Zheltov - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (5):571-575.
    The idea of the genetic unity of all mankind is an integral part of Christian teaching. The purpose of this brief survey is to illustrate its role within the Greek patristic tradition, and then to point to a few examples from modern science which lend support to this ancient idea.
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  2. Sources russes de la pensée de Georges Gurvitch : écrits de jeunesse dans les annales contemporaines.Mikhaïl Antonov & Étienne Berthold - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 121 (2):197-226.
    Depuis longtemps, la recherche met en relief les influences françaises et allemandes de la pensée de Georges Gurvitch. De récents travaux ouvrent désormais la voie à l’étude de ses sources russes. Cet article vise à poser les bases de l’étude des sources russes de la pensée de Gurvitch. Pour ce faire, il recourt à onze articles publiés par Gurvitch, entre 1924 et 1931, dans la revue russe de l’émigration Annales contemporaines, dont il dégage une propension marquée à l’endroit des totalités (...)
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    La Propriété: Étude de Philosophie du Droit.Mikhaïl Xifaras - 2004 - Presses Universitaires de France.
    Pendant près de deux siècles, la " question sociale"s'est confondue avec la question de la propriété, ou plus exactement avec celle de sa légitimité. Tel auteur affirme que c'est l'âme de la législation. Tel autre que c'est le vol. On dispute de ses origines et de ses limites, parfois de son abolition. Mais à travers la violence de la querelle, partisans et détracteurs de l'institution s'en font la même idée : un droit absolu d'une personne sur une chose. Or il (...)
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  4. Y a-t-il une théorie de la propriété chez Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.Mikhaïl Xifaras - 2004 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 47:229-282.
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    Le copyleft et la théorie de la propriété.Mikhaïl Xifaras - 2010 - Multitudes 41 (2):50.
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    Russkoe zarubezhʹe: antologii︠a︡ sovremennoĭ filosofskoĭ mysli.Mikhail Sergeev (ed.) - 2018 - Boston, MA: M-Graphics.
    The contributors to this anthology represent Russian-speaking communities from eight countries of the world, located on three continents: The United States, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, China and Israel. Most of the authors also represent different waves of Russian emigration that took place in the last quarter of the 20th century. The book opens with an interview with one of the legendary figures of the Russian diaspora, Russian-American historian Alexander Yanov, and is followed by articles from such prominent thinkers as (...)
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    Généalogie des savoirs juridiques contemporains: le carrefour des Lumières.Mikhaïl Xifaras (ed.) - 2008 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
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    Illégalismes et droit de la société marchande, de Foucault à Marx.Mikhail Xifaras - 2015 - Multitudes 59 (2):142-151.
    À partir d’une lecture critique de Foucault, cet article revient sur l’un des premiers textes de Marx, consacré au vol de bois mort, pour analyser les liens entre le régime pénal de la sanction du vol de bois et le régime civil de la transformation de la propriété, entre la production des illégalismes et les métamorphoses de la société civile. Il en tire une vision synthétique du patrimoine considéré comme un « corps juridique artificiel », avant d’apporter un éclairage saisissant (...)
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  9.  27
    La destination politique de la propriété chez Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Mikhaïl Xifaras - 2003 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 66 (3):331.
    Résumé — Cet article fait le pari qu’il est possible d’assigner à Rousseau une théorie cohérente de la propriété et se propose de reconstruire cette théorie en distinguant, à partir des configurations empiriques de l’institution de propriété mobilisées par l’auteur, les trois moments logiques et chronologiques d’une histoire philosophique de la propriété : la propriété commune originaire, le domaine réel des États, les propriétés dans l’état civil. Cette théorie se laisse ainsi ramener à trois propositions essentielles : la propriété, rendue (...)
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    Bouddhisme et politique.Hubert Durt & Mikhaïl Xifaras - 2002 - Cités 12 (4):101-112.
    MIKHAïL XIFARAS. — Cet entretien s’inscrit comme complément d’un dossier portant sur le thème « religion et démocratie ». Il naît de l’intention de ne pas considérer les seules religions du Livre. Dans le même temps, il semble très difficile de traiter le bouddhisme de la même manière que les religions du Livre, ne serait-ce qu’en raison de la présomption..
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    Société et pouvoir.Valérie Theis, Alain Tallon, Agnès Cugno, Catherine Larrère, Christian Nadeau, Laurent Bourquin, Dominique Weber, Gabrielle Radica, Géraldine Lepan, Bruno Karsenti, Mikhaïl Xifaras & Stéphane Haber - 2005 - Revue de Synthèse 126 (1):232-264.
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  12. Philosophie politique classique.Thierry Menissier, Stéphane Bonnet & Mikhaïl Xifaras - 2003 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 3:289-370.
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    Le Droit Pensé De L’extérieur: Mikhaïl Xifaras , Généalogie des savoirs juridiques contemporains: Le Carrefour de lumières. Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2007, 198 pp., ISBN: 978-2-8027-2393-6, 35 Euros.Thomas Deflinne - 2010 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (1):93-97.
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    XV.Erklärungen einiger stellen lateinischer schriftsteller.H. Fr Zeyss - 1870 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 30 (1-6):615-624.
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    Art and answerability: early philosophical essays.Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Bakhtin - 1990 - Austin: University of Texas Press. Edited by Michael Holquist & Vadim Liapunov.
    The essays assembled here are all very early and differ in a number of ways from Bakhtin's previously published work.
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    Family of the green fluorescent protein: Journey to the end of the rainbow.Mikhail V. Matz, Konstantin A. Lukyanov & Sergey A. Lukyanov - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (10):953-959.
    Members of the family of the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) are the only known type of natural pigments that are essentially encoded by a single gene, since both the substrate for pigment biosynthesis and the necessary catalytic moieties are provided within a single polypeptide chain. In sharp contrast to the state of knowledge just three years ago when GFP was the only known protein of its kind, a whole family of related proteins, exhibiting striking diversity of features have now been (...)
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  17. Elements of Moral Cognition: Rawls' Linguistic Analogy and the Cognitive Science of Moral and Legal Judgment.John Mikhail - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Is the science of moral cognition usefully modelled on aspects of Universal Grammar? Are human beings born with an innate 'moral grammar' that causes them to analyse human action in terms of its moral structure, with just as little awareness as they analyse human speech in terms of its grammatical structure? Questions like these have been at the forefront of moral psychology ever since John Mikhail revived them in his influential work on the linguistic analogy and its implications for (...)
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  18.  43
    Sociability and education in Kant and Hessen.Mikhail Zagirnyak - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (6):1112-1125.
  19.  20
    The phoenix of philosophy: Russian thought of the late Soviet period (1953-1991).Mikhail Epstein - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This groundbreaking work by one of the world's foremost theoreticians of Russian literature, culture, and thought gives for the first time an extensive and detailed examination of the development of Russian thought during the late Soviet period. Countering the traditional view of an intellectual wilderness under the Soviet regime, Mikhail Epstein offers a systematic account of Russian thought in the second half of the 20th century. In doing so, he provides new insights into previously ignored areas such as Russian (...)
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  20.  32
    Complexity and expressivity of propositional dynamic logics with finitely many variables.Mikhail Rybakov & Dmitry Shkatov - 2018 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 26 (5):539-547.
  21. Universal moral grammar: Theory, evidence, and the future.John Mikhail - 2007 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (4):143 –152.
    Scientists from various disciplines have begun to focus attention on the psychology and biology of human morality. One research program that has recently gained attention is universal moral grammar (UMG). UMG seeks to describe the nature and origin of moral knowledge by using concepts and models similar to those used in Chomsky's program in linguistics. This approach is thought to provide a fruitful perspective from which to investigate moral competence from computational, ontogenetic, behavioral, physiological and phylogenetic perspectives. In this article, (...)
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    Ondskapens filosofi.Lars Fr H. Svendsen - 2002 - Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
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    Complexity of finite-variable fragments of propositional modal logics of symmetric frames.Mikhail Rybakov & Dmitry Shkatov - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
  24.  27
    Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics.Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Bakhtin - 1984 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    This book is not only a major twentieth-century contribution to Dostoevsky’s studies, but also one of the most important theories of the novel produced in our century. As a modern reinterpretation of poetics, it bears comparison with Aristotle.“Bakhtin’s statement on the dialogical nature of artistic creation, and his differentiation of this from a history of monological commentary, is profoundly original and illuminating. This is a classic work on Dostoevsky and a statement of importance to critical theory.” Edward Wasiolek“Concentrating on the (...)
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  25.  79
    An information‐theoretic primer on complexity, self‐organization, and emergence.Mikhail Prokopenko, Fabio Boschetti & Alex J. Ryan - 2009 - Complexity 15 (1):11-28.
  26.  29
    God and the state.Mikhail Bakunin - unknown
  27. Интертекстуальный анализ сегодня.Mikhail Gasparov - 2002 - Σημιοτκή-Sign Systems Studies 2:645-651.
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    Almost Equal: The Method of Adequality from Diophantus to Fermat and Beyond.Mikhail G. Katz, David M. Schaps & Steven Shnider - 2013 - Perspectives on Science 21 (3):283-324.
    Adequality, or παρισóτης (parisotēs) in the original Greek of Diophantus 1 , is a crucial step in Fermat’s method of finding maxima, minima, tangents, and solving other problems that a modern mathematician would solve using infinitesimal calculus. The method is presented in a series of short articles in Fermat’s collected works (1891, pp. 133–172). The first article, Methodus ad Disquirendam Maximam et Minimam 2 , opens with a summary of an algorithm for finding the maximum or minimum value of an (...)
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  29. A theory of wrongful exploitation.Mikhail Valdman - 2009 - Philosophers' Imprint 9:1-14.
    My primary aims in this paper are to explain what exploitation is, when it’s wrong, and what makes it wrong. I argue that exploitation is not always wrong, but that it can be, and that its wrongness cannot be fully explained with familiar moral constraints such as those against harming people, coercing them, or using them as a means, or with familiar moral obligations such as an obligation to rescue those in distress or not to take advantage of people’s vulnerabilities. (...)
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    The Notion of Free Will in Sergey Hessen’s Conception of Culture.Mikhail Yu Zagirnyak - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (4):67-82.
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  31. Toward a Philosophy of the Act.Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Bakhtin - 1993 - Austin: University of Texas Press. Edited by Michael Holquist & Vadim Liapunov.
    Rescued in 1972 from a storeroom in which rats and seeping water had severely damaged the fifty-year-old manuscript, this text is the earliest major work (1919-1921) of the great Russian philosopher M. M. Bakhtin. Toward a Philosophy of the Act contains the first occurrences of themes that occupied Bakhtin throughout his long career. The topics of authoring, responsibility, self and other, the moral significance of "outsideness," participatory thinking, the implications for the individual subject of having "no-alibi in existence," the difference (...)
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  32. Rabelais and His World.Mikhail Bakhtin - unknown
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  33. L'homme de Génie, Tr. Par F. Colonna d'Istria Et M. Calderini.Cesare Lombroso & Fr Colonna D'istria - 1896
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  34.  46
    Scottish common sense and nineteenth-century american law: A critical appraisal.John Mikhail - 2008
    In her insightful and stimulating article, The Mind of a Moral Agent, Professor Susanna Blumenthal traces the influence of Scottish Common Sense philosophy on early American law. Among other things, Blumenthal argues that the basic model of moral agency upon which early American jurists relied, which drew heavily from Common Sense philosophers like Thomas Reid, generated certain paradoxical conclusions about legal responsibility that later generations were forced to confront. "Having cast their lot with the Common Sense philosophers in the "formative (...)
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  35.  54
    Allegory and Symbolism in Italian Renaissance Painting.Mikhail Vladimirovitch Alpatov & Sally Bradshaw - 1971 - Diogenes 19 (76):1-25.
  36.  16
    Predicate counterparts of modal logics of provability: High undecidability and Kripke incompleteness.Mikhail Rybakov - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In this paper, the predicate counterparts, defined both axiomatically and semantically by means of Kripke frames, of the modal propositional logics $\textbf {GL}$, $\textbf {Grz}$, $\textbf {wGrz}$ and their extensions are considered. It is proved that the set of semantical consequences on Kripke frames of every logic between $\textbf {QwGrz}$ and $\textbf {QGL.3}$ or between $\textbf {QwGrz}$ and $\textbf {QGrz.3}$ is $\Pi ^1_1$-hard even in languages with three (sometimes, two) individual variables, two (sometimes, one) unary predicate letters, and a single (...)
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  37.  19
    From Utterances to Speech Acts.Mikhail Kissine - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Most of the time our utterances are automatically interpreted as speech acts: as assertions, conjectures and testimonies; as orders, requests and pleas; as threats, offers and promises. Surprisingly, the cognitive correlates of this essential component of human communication have received little attention. This book fills the gap by providing a model of the psychological processes involved in interpreting and understanding speech acts. The theory is framed in naturalistic terms and is supported by data on language development and on autism spectrum (...)
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  38.  73
    The Poverty of the Moral Stimulus.John Mikhail - 2007 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (ed.), Moral Psychology, Volume 1: The Evolution of Morality: Adaptations and Innateness. MIT Press.
    One of the most influential arguments in contemporary philosophy and cognitive science is Chomsky's argument from the poverty of the stimulus. In this response to an essay by Chandra Sripada, I defend an analogous argument from the poverty of the moral stimulus. I argue that Sripada's criticism of moral nativism appears to rest on the mistaken assumption that the learning target in moral cognition consists of a series of simple imperatives, such as "share your toys" or "don't hit other children." (...)
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  39.  43
    Complexity of intuitionistic propositional logic and its fragments.Mikhail Rybakov - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (2):267-292.
    In the paper we consider complexity of intuitionistic propositional logic and its natural fragments such as implicative fragment, finite-variable fragments, and some others. Most facts we mention here are known and obtained by logicians from different countries and in different time since 1920s; we present these results together to see the whole picture.
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    The Politics of Apocalypse.Mikhail Epstein - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):141-172.
    This guest column examines the historical fate of Russia in its catastrophic confrontation with Ukraine and the West. The piece considers the negative self-definitions of Russia that have arisen in the aftermath of the communist utopia and its virtual transformation into an anti-world — a society whose purpose is to undermine and destroy. Emerging Russian cults of war, death, and apocalypticism are stressed, as are the paradoxes and inversions by which Russia, in attempting to become stronger, becomes weaker and indeed (...)
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  41.  13
    Archival Discoveries Related to Ayn Rand’s Residences in Saint Petersburg (Petrograd/Leningrad).Mikhail Kravtsov & Mikhail Kizilov - 2022 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 22 (2):165-188.
    ABSTRACT This article provides new information about Ayn Rand’s residences in Saint Petersburg (Petrograd/Leningrad). The authors, who based the article on hitherto unknown archival documents, discovered new information regarding the exact location of the apartments where the Rosenbaums lived in the city from 1904 through the 1930s. Furthermore, the article provides information about where Rand’s grandparents, Berko (Boris) Kaplan and his wife Sarah, had been living. Additionally, it offers English translations and Russian originals of archival documents related to the aforementioned (...)
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  42.  29
    Russian Labor Market in Transition: Trends, Specific Features, and State Policy.Mikhail Dmitriev & Tatyana Maleva - 1997 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 64.
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    Emergent Quantumness in Neural Networks.Mikhail I. Katsnelson & Vitaly Vanchurin - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (5):1-20.
    It was recently shown that the Madelung equations, that is, a hydrodynamic form of the Schrödinger equation, can be derived from a canonical ensemble of neural networks where the quantum phase was identified with the free energy of hidden variables. We consider instead a grand canonical ensemble of neural networks, by allowing an exchange of neurons with an auxiliary subsystem, to show that the free energy must also be multivalued. By imposing the multivaluedness condition on the free energy we derive (...)
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  44.  31
    On Reading Herzen.Mikhail A. Lifshits - 1967 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 6 (1):28-39.
    Many solemn words were uttered in connection with the Herzen anniversary. The ceremonial feast is long past, and the fires of the celebration have been extinguished. Yet Herzen is for us such a peak of revolutionary thought that it is not too late to write of him even post festum - "after the holiday.".
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    Perception of speech rhythm in second language: the case of rhythmically similar L1 and L2.Mikhail Ordin & Leona Polyanskaya - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:126049.
    We investigated the perception of developmental changes in timing patterns that happen in the course of second language (L2) acquisition, provided that the native and the target languages of the learner are rhythmically similar (German and English). It was found that speech rhythm in L2 English produced by German learners becomes increasingly stress-timed as acquisition progresses. This development is captured by the tempo-normalized rhythm measures of durational variability. Advanced learners also deliver speech at a faster rate. However, when native speakers (...)
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  46. Introduction. The sixth wave : Bahá'í scriptural philosophy.Mikhail Sergeev - 2018 - In Studies in Bahá'í philosophy: selected articles. Boston: M-Graphics Publishing.
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    V. I. Lenin.Mikhail Ivanovich Sidorov - 1962 - Izd-Vo Vpsh I Aon.
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    Vsë o zhizni.Mikhail Veller - 2006 - Moskva: AST.
  49.  43
    Pragmatics as Metacognitive Control.Mikhail Kissine - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  50. L'ideal esthétique.Fr Roussel-Despierres - 1904 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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